AtomFes' Site

Merch Coming Soon!

Showing Support

If you want to support me but don't want to subscribe to a monthly membership, feel free to leave a tip. Thank you so much for your support in advance. If you choose to leave a message with your tip, you will receive a reply from me! Thank you to everyone who has shown support across all social media platforms! In order to ensure that you support me directly, I set up a one-time tip section and three tier memberships! If you decide to become a member, not only are these perks better than what YouTube, Twitch, or other platforms provide, but you get more perks for the same price!

Take the time to read what each membership has below and if you decide to support me, please pick one that best fits you and your financial needs. I don't want anyone to break the bank just to support me and what I enjoy doing. The memberships are not a part of Twitch nor are you obligated to purchase both. If you are subscribed on Twitch and want to show additional support and become a member, you are able to at a discounted price. I look forward to growing this community with each and every one of you! I can't wait to look back at all the memories we were able to have as we conquer this thing called life on a daily basis. Much love to every single one of you!

One Time Tip
